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It’s one thing to tell you about the quality of student life at Strathcona High School, but if you can’t walk the talk when it comes to increasingly competitive university entrance requirements, you might as well go home early.

At Strathcona, superior academics is a huge part of what we do. We prepare students emotionally and intellectually so they can excel at post-secondary studies.


Our commitment to learning means we believe in our students and we insist on hard work. We instill a sense of pride and teach our students to be independent thinkers. We start with passionate teachers who specialize in their teaching areas. We recognize that not everyone learns in the same way, or at the same speed, so we differentiate instruction and encourage a dialogue that keeps everyone involved.


From our Career and Technology Studies program to Advanced Placement courses that transfer for university credits, we offer something for everyone. We’re renowned across Canada for the consistently superior academic performance of our students. That’s why 70 per cent of our graduates go on to post-secondary studies. In 2011 the International College Board in Princeton, New Jersey recognized 75 Strathcona Advanced Placement students as award-winning scholars, awarding 9 of our students the title of National Scholar.

So whether you want to specialize in international languages like German, French or Spanish or you want to take all the mechanics courses and start your apprenticeship program, Strathcona offers individualized academic streams to ensure that everyone finds their path.