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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP)

Advanced Placement is an internationally recognized, academically rigorous program that introduces students to university material while in a supportive high school environment. Strathcona is proud to offer one of the largest Academic Placement programs in Canada. Our AP program offers the flexibility of enrolling in one, some or all of our AP courses, leaving plenty of room for options and extracurricular activities.

AP is the optimum route for university preparation, providing enriched and challenging classes that parallel and expand on the material covered in regular courses.  In our AP classes,  students learn how to manage their time, handle challenging coursework, and prepare for exams.  Every year, we have graduates return and tell us how well AP prepared them for their post secondary studies.

Want to learn more about the benefits of taking AP?  Scroll down to see our Why AP infographic.


AP 'Core 21' Classes at Strathcona

‌At Strathcona, Advanced Placement offers both challenge and opportunity-- and we provide this through a wide variety of subject areas. The following 21 courses are offered at Strathcona every year. We call those courses the Core 21.  Details about these courses can be found in the AP Brochure. 

Coming into grade 10, students can register in AP English, Social Studies, Math, Science or Capstone Prep.  Plus grade 10 students who are coming from a bilingual or immersion program can register in the associated AP language course-- French, Spanish, or German.  These courses are specifically designed with immersion students in mind. 

Those who are passionate about Art or Computer Science can register in the grade 10 introductory class and look forward to pursuing AP course work at the 20 level in those subject areas.  

Details about all can be found in our AP Brochure and/or check out our AP FAQ page.

2D Art & Design Capstone Seminar French Language and Culture
3D Art & Design Chemistry German Language and Culture
Drawing Computer Science A Physics 1
Biology Computer Science Principals Physics 2
Calculus AB

English Language and Composition

Physics C
Calculus BC English Literature and Composition Spanish Language and Culture
Capstone Research European History Statistics

AP Capstone    

In addition to a full slate of AP courses, Strathcona is also very proud to offer the  AP Capstone Diploma program.  In these innovative and interdisciplinary courses, students develop the critical thinking, communication, collaboration, research and presentation skills needed to succeed in post-secondary studies and in life.   In each course, students have the opportunity to explore current issues from multiple perspectives and delve deeper into topics they are passionate about.

More details about the AP Capstone Program at Scona is available here.

For more details about the philosophy of the Capstone Program, check out the College Board's Capstone Program site.


AP Courses Other than our Core 21

In past years, Strathcona has allowed students to self study AP courses outside of our Core 21. However due to changes to both the schedule and the way exams are administered for 2025 extra exams will be very limited.  

External Students

AP Exams for Students from Other Schools

Strathcona does offer exams to students in grades 10-12 from other schools (known as 'External Students') in most of our Core 21 subjects.  Due to College Board rules, Capstone Seminar and the three AP Art courses are not available to external students. 

For May 2025, only the following courses outside of our Core 21 will be available to external students: Macroeconomics and Psychology.  

External Students need to be aware that there are no supports or materials available to help them prepare for the exam.  It is entirely their responsibility to prepare themselves.

No exam accommodations are available to External Students.  Students MUST be in grade 10, 11 or 12 for the 2024-2025 school year.

All students will be expected to write on the scheduled writing date in May. Late writing opportunities are usually not available for External Students.  

Therefore external students are expected to familiarize themselves with this schedule before registering.  The AP exam schedule for 2024-25 can be found here.  

External Students - Procedures and Timeline

External students can  register according to the timelines below.  No new registrations will be accepted after the Late Registration and Payment Deadline.

Fees are subject to change but are currently estimated at the following for the 2024-25 school year.  Note that there can be no refunds once payment is made.

  • External Student Fee:  $180 per exam
  • External Student Late Registration Penalty:  $20 per exam, for a total fee of $200 per exam


  • September 1 through October 15:  Registration and Contact Period - External Students should contact Strathcona High School to express interest during this time period.  Late contacts will likely not be processed in time for the November 1 deadline.
  • November 1:  Standard Registration and Payment Deadline - After November 1, the Late Registration Penalty (additional $20 fee) will apply.
  • January 15:  Late Registration and Payment Deadline

To express interest by the above deadlines, send the following email:

To: scott.couprie@epsb.ca
Subject: AP Exams - External Student
Include the following information in the body of your email:

    • Student full name and preferred name
    • Student email addresses
    • List of courses the student wishes to write. Please use the exact name of the AP Course.
    • Contact name, email and phone number of a parent or guardian that will be making payment.


Once this email has been received, registration and payment details will be provided.