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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Career & Technology Studies

Planning a career in construction (or maybe you just want to build a shed for your back yard)? Want to impress someone by cooking a wonderful meal (or maybe you want to run the next great restaurant)? Looking to design the next million dollar app (or maybe you want to build a prosthetic arm)?

High school should be a time of discovery. Through our Career and Technology Studies (CTS) programs, students have the opportunity to expose themselves to career pathways they may not have even considered.

CTS Courses Available:

Students can explore a variety of professional areas including:

Our I-Learn Centre also allows students to explore alternative programs at their own pace.

Extra-Curricular Areas:

We believe that what goes on outside the classroom is just as important as what goes on inside. As such, Strathcona students also have a huge variety of extra-curricular opportunities that relate to our CTS courses.

A small sample of these are:

  • Computing Science Competitions
  • Culinary Club
  • Programming Club
  • Robotics
  • Set Design and Construction (in partnership with our Fine Arts programs)
  • Skills Alberta Culinary and Baking
  • Skills Alberta Web Design

Scona's CTS Programs are your first step towards your career (or maybe just to a new hobby).