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Credits and Grading



In high schools, each course is assigned a credit value that typically reflects the amount of instructional time and the effort required from students. This credit system helps measure and qualify students' academic progress and achievements.

1 credit 25 hours of instruction (1 CTS module)
3 credits 75 hours of instruction ( a half course -- three times a week for a semester)
5 credits 125 hours of instruction (full course - three times a week for a year or six times a week for a semester)


Grade 10 Course numbers begin with the number 1
eg. English 10-1, Mathematics 10-1, Mechanical Design 15 (3)
Grade 11 Course numbers begin with the number 2
eg. English 20-1, Mathematics 20-1,
Mechanical Design 25 (5)
Grade 12 Course numbers begin with the number 3
eg. English 30-1, Mathematics 30-2,
Mechanical Design 35 (5)


A 80% -- 100% Achieved the Standard of Excellence
B 65% -- 79% Approaching the Standard of Excellence
C 50% -- 64% Achieved the Acceptable Standard
F 0% -- 49% Not achieved the Acceptable Standard and
no credits awarded

Students must choose the appropriate courses within their range of ability and interests. They must also aim to complete their high school diploma successfully in three years.