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French Program

This French as a Second Language program promotes French language learning through a variety of linguistic and cultural experiences. Being able to speak French offers innumerable personal and academic benefits that easily translate into expanded career and life opportunities. As such, the overarching goal of this program is to help students become sufficiently competent in French so that they can function in the language and culture outside of the classroom. Edmonton Public Schools and Strathcona High School have been accredited by the Commission Nationale du DELF et DALF in France as an examination centre for the DELF (Le Diplôme d’études en langue française). Students who take the DELF examination will receive an international diploma officially awarded by the French Ministry of Education. AP students may also write the French AP exam after 31B AP.  We are also proud to offer exchange opportunities to Quebec and Grenoble, France.

FRENCH 10-9Y, 20-9Y, 30-9Y

Prerequisite – Satisfactory completion of three to six years of French as a second language. The French 10-20-30-9Y (9 year) course sequence is designed for students who have successfully completed French 9 in junior high, with satisfactory completion of at least three to six years of French as a Second Language Studies. In French 10, students will be building on their previous knowledge and skills, focusing on use of the infinitive, the recent past and the passé compose in the context of specific topics/themes including: school life, sports, excursions, travel and film. In French 20, students will further develop and refine their previous knowledge and skills in addition to focusing on the use of the comparative and superlative, direct and indirect object pronouns, the imparfait, and the distinction between the imparfait and the passé compose in the context of specific topics/themes including: consumerism, friendship, fads, fashion and music. Finally, in French 30, students continue to develop their speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in French. They will learn to use with some consistency the following linguistic elements: direct and indirect object pronouns with all tenses, y and en, agreement of the past participle, the simple future and the present conditional. The fields of experience are: the world of work, travel and tourism, the role of the media, conservation and the environment. At the end of this course students will have the opportunity to write the DELF exam and receive international accreditation. 5 CREDITS


Prerequisite – Grade 9 French Immersion Students Or 75% In French 30 - 9Y

The French Advanced Placement Program course sequence is unique to Scona and designed for students with a background in French immersion or with strong proficiency. The overarching goal of this program is to guide students toward a comprehensive aptitude in French that enables them to study, live, and work in Francophone environments. Students hone strong reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through a number of interactive experiences, projects, and text/film studies. Debate, literary analysis, composition and grammar instruction challenge students to delve deeper into the French language while exploring the nature of francophone societies. The language of instruction and interaction is exclusively French. Teacher assessment and authorization is required for students who are not coming from a junior high French Immersion program. 5 CREDITS

Québec exchange made possible through the Alberta Teacher's Association

Québec exchange made possible through the Alberta Teacher's Association

International Partner Region: Rhônes-Alpes: Grenoble, France ‌

International Partner Region: Rhônes-Alpes: Grenoble, France

International Partner Region: Rhônes-Alpes: Annecy, France

International Partner Region: Rhônes-Alpes: Annecy, France
