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Social Studies


To make sense of an increasingly complex world, Social Studies education is more essential than ever before. 

Social Studies is a multi-disciplinary study of the human condition.  In Social Studies courses, students will gain insights provided by history, political science, philosophy, law, economics, anthropology, sociology and psychology.

The high school Social Studies program focuses on three of the most powerful forces in modern history: globalization, nationalism and liberalism.  By studying the historical impacts of these forces, students will understand the foundations of contemporary society.

All Social Studies courses at Strathcona emphasize present-day realities and emerging trends in Canada and the world.  Current events are taken up regularly in the classroom.

Canadian issues and perspectives are integrated into all courses.  The goal is to prepare students for active and responsible citizenship—locally, provincially, nationally, internationally and globally.  Our teachers encourage students to engage in public life during and after high school.

Strathcona High School’s Social Studies program aims to develop critical thinkers who are aware of multiple perspectives on important political, economic, social and cultural issues.  After carefully considering alternative viewpoints, our students develop informed opinions about these issues.

At Strathcona, there is a high rate of student participation in Advanced Placement (AP) social studies courses.  The AP social studies program is the largest Advanced Placement program in the school.  In AP Social Studies, students prepare for the College Board’s European History Examination through an in-depth exploration of modern history from 1450 A.D. to today.

By cultivating a sound understanding of the past and present, our future is illuminated.