Strathcona Athletics has a rich tradition of excellence. When you walk through the halls at Strathcona High School, you will notice that there are signs above the doorways that state, "Through These Halls Walk Champions." To be a Champion at Strathcona means more than winning championships, it also represents the three pillars that our student athletes follow. Student athletes are committed to their family, their academic achievement and their team. Because of their commitment to these three pillars our student athletes are respected members within the school and the community because of their outstanding conduct. Student athletes at Strathcona take pride in being a Lord because of its rich tradition and the fact that everyone at Strathcona matters. It is a privilege and an honour to be a student athlete at Strathcona High School. This Tradition of Excellence carries on well beyond a student athlete's high school career but it continues to represent each graduate as he or she pursues their future endeavours.
"Once a Lord, Always a Lord"