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At Strathcona High School, we are very proud of our swim team.  In December 2023, the Lords won their 38th consecutive city swim championship. The secret to our success?  It’s not all about winning.  We have over 150 students on our swim team because they have fun. We welcome all members regardless of swimming ability.  We find that if students feel good about being on the swim team, they will come to practice with enthusiasm and we can coach them to become better swimmers. They will get excellent coaching and mentoring from the many former swim team members who come back to help coach.

By being on the Lord's swim team, all members will get exercise and be more fit.  They get to meet and become friends with lots of new people, and they will be proud to be members of this amazing team with its incredible tradition.

The Scona swim team has a flexible practice schedule of eight to ten practice times per week before and after school.  We encourage swimmers to attend practices as often as possible, and with so many practice times available, students should be able to fit swimming in with their other activities.  The Scona pool is attached to the school, so it is easy to come to practice before or after school.

We want all students of Strathcona High School to feel welcome to join the Scona swim team.  Once they pull on the school swim cap and dive into the water, we know they will feel the pride that comes with being a part of the famous Scona Lords swim team.

Email one of our coaches at strathcona@epsb.ca.