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Labour Action Updates

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School Council

Strathcona School Council is composed of parent volunteers who, honoring tradition embrace our motto “as one who serves”.  School Council represents the parent perspective to the Principal and School Board while fostering a positive and collaborative environment, providing opportunities to enhance student learning, encourage participation and promote the well-being of the School Community. 

School Council meets six times a year.  We host informative sessions and presentations with engaging speakers on a wide range of topics and key issues affecting our student population that are relevant to parents and their children’s high school experience.

Meeting dates for the (2024-25) school year are as follows:

  • Wednesday, September 18 
  • Wednesday, October 23
  • Wednesday, November 27 
  • Wednesday, January 22 (online only)
  • Wednesday, February 12 (hybrid)
  • Wednesday, April 23 (hybrid)

This year our meetings will be a combination of in person, online and hybrid (both online and in person).  In person meetings are held in Student Services starting @7PM.  We welcome all Scona parents to attend our meetings. For online/hybrid meetings please watch Schoolzone for the link to sign up. To learn more, go to Schoolzone and check us out under “School Resources” or e-mail us at:  infossc.parents@gmail.com