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Chris Judge Award for Excellence in Visual Awards and Athletics

The Chris Judge Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of a grade twelve student who has demonstrated excellence in athletics and the visual arts. This award is presented annually.

Candidates must have demonstrated excellence in athletics and the visual arts, as well as a commitment to their academic studies. Value: $2000.00

Candidates must meet the following qualifications:

  • The candidate shall be a student of Strathcona School.
  • The candidate shall have actively participated in athletics and in the arts in his/her high school career at Strathcona.
  • The candidate shall demonstrate a commitment to their academic studies.
  • The candidate shall be one who, through these activities, has displayed leadership qualities while ensuring the cooperation and enthusiasm of others.
  • The candidate shall be well principled, displaying at all times high standards of morality, sportsmanship, tolerance and dependability.
  • The candidate shall have exemplary character. Particular attention may be given to those students who have overcome adversity or who have risen to a challenge of some sort.

In the case that a suitable grade twelve candidate cannot be found in the area of visual arts and athletics, the award may be broadened to fine arts and athletics.

In the case that a suitable grade twelve candidate cannot be found, we will consider applications from grade ten and eleven students.