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Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


L.G. Hanna Memorial Award


Recognizing Outstanding Effort and Perseverance

This award is presented in honor of Lewis Gerald Hanna, who passed away in June of 2000 at the age of 62. Mr. Hanna's motto was "Never give up". His standards were work hard, love and support your family, always be honest and have integrity. He continued to upgrade his education in his trade of horticulture and landscape design and always impressed upon his children the importance of life-long learning. Mr. Hanna was greatly loved and had many long term friendships. Value: up to $1000, depending on the number of recipients.

Candidates for this award should meet the following qualifications:

1. Academic

The candidate must demonstrate a conscientious and diligent attitude to his or her school work. He/she achieves to the best of his/her ability.

2. Participation

The candidate shall have actively participated in extra-curricular activities throughout his/her high school career.

3. Service Qualities

The candidate shall be one who, through extra-curricular activities, has shown initiative while securing the co-operation and enthusiasm of others.

4. Personal Qualities

The candidate has demonstrated admirable personal qualities throughout his or her high school career. The candidate may be described as being courteous, sincere, cooperative, dignified, unselfish, determined, and/or self-motivated.

Particular attention may be given to those students who have overcome adversity or who have risen to a challenge of some sort.

The L.G. Hanna Memorial Award will be awarded through staff nomination. This award may be presented to one or more students in a given year.