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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Michael A. Strembitsky Award of Excellence

The Michael A. Strembitsky Award of Excellence recognizes the top three students in Edmonton Public Schools by providing a gold, silver and bronze medal and cash awards of $1000, $500, and $250 respectively. Strathcona will nominate one candidate from the applications and forward this name for consideration to Edmonton Public Schools.

Medallions and cash awards are presented annually to Edmonton Public Schools students who are completing their schooling and best exemplify the following criteria:
• excellence in personal, social, and academic endeavours
• keen interest in a broad selection of subjects and activities
• willingness to seek meaningful change
• initiative, courage, confidence, and a commitment to excellence
• co-operation with other students, staff, and community members
• potential to provide leadership throughout life
• responsible participation in society

The Strathcona candidate will be recognized at our annual awards night in June.
The medallions and cheques will be presented at the annual district awards night by the superintendent of schools.