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Premier's Citizenship Award


Recognizing Service to the School and Community

The Premier's Citizenship Award in recognition of the Queen's Golden Jubilee recognizes students who support and contribute to Alberta communities through public service and voluntary endeavours. Each high school in the province is allocated one award. The recipient will receive a plaque and letter of commendation from the premier. The recipient of this award becomes eligible for one of five Queen's Golden Jubilee Medals and $5000.00.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:
1. Academic
• The candidate must demonstrate a conscientious and diligent attitude to her/his school work.
• The candidate must be a student whose marks are commensurate with her/his ability.

2. Participation
• The candidate shall have actively participated in extra-curricular activities throughout her/his high school career. Both school and community involvements are considered.
• The candidate shall have been an outstanding contributor to extra-curricular activities for two years.
• The candidate shall have rendered instrumental service to the community and/or students in the organization and administration of extra-curricular activities at Strathcona.

3. Superior Service
• The candidate shall be one who, through voluntary and/or extra-curricular activities, has shown initiative while securing the co-operation and enthusiasm of others.
• The candidate's contributions shall be specifically judged on organization, productive delegation of responsibilities, and worthwhile contributions to the school and/or community.

4. Personal Qualities
• The candidate has demonstrated admirable personal qualities throughout her/his high school career. The candidate's strong character is an example to other Strathcona students.
• Candidates must be an Alberta resident in their graduating year.