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Indigenous Peoples Services

Tānsi, hello. I am excited to be back as the Indigenous Student Coordinator.  My family is originally from Fort. St John B.C., but I have grown up here in Edmonton. I am Metis on my mother's side, but like so many, my family lost our cultural connections. In the last few years we have begun to seek out those connections again. Back in BC my grandmother and aunt have been working with the Doig River First Nations, and here in Edmonton I have been trying to continue to educate myself on history, culture, and ways to facilitate Truth and Reconciliation.  I did a lot of learning this past year, as it was my first in this position, and though I still have a lifetime of learning ahead of me, it was a pretty successful first year. Some of the highlights of my learning this year were learning how to bead, listening to the stories of kokum Linda, learning how the Cree alphabet and syllabics work, and sampling narwhal while learning about traditional life in the arctic.  More importantly I loved getting to share these experiences with the students and build connections with them and the community. I’m looking forward to next year and have already started planning for nôcihtowi-pîsim (September)!  I hope you all get some time for family and connecting with the beautiful land here in Treaty 6. 


We offer Aboriginal Studies 30 in the schedule:

Aboriginal Studies 30 is a provincial course for all Alberta students. Students will gain a greater understanding of the current issues facing Aboriginal peoples in Canada and worldwide. Aboriginal Studies 30 enables students to demonstrate an understanding of the issues of Aboriginal rights and self-government, Aboriginal land claims, Aboriginal peoples in Canadian society and Aboriginal world issues.

The course allows students to learn about Aboriginal issues and history from an Indigenous perspectives.  Students will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of cultural experiences. Students will be faced with both the academic rigor of a 30 level course including unit exams, essays and a final. They will also be engaging in experiential learning including circles, discussions, cultural events, elders and guest speakers applying Indigenous knowledge 



Scholarship Opportunities

There are endless amounts of scholarships and bursaries available for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students. Ask the school’s First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Liaison for the big blue binder of scholarship information!

Aboriginal Admissions

There are some Post-Secondary institutions that have unique admission requirements for Indigenous Students. Visit the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Liaison to help you discover how admission policies differ between schools and which school may be right for you.



Strathcona’s First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Liaison is able to connect students with members of the community that will support students in their personal growth. Some of the benefits of these connections include: employment, volunteer opportunities, academic support, cultural growth, health and wellness.