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Parent Information

We know what you're going through, because we're parents too. You know your teenagers are getting ready to leave the nest and you want to make sure they can fly. At Strathcona High School we're all about helping them spread their wings and soar.

The fact is that we're one of the finest academic high schools in Canada.

  • Over 72 per cent of our students go on to post-secondary studies, at the University of Alberta and top schools across Canada. Many excel in college programs or apprentice in a skilled trade.
  • We have produced 16 Rhodes scholars, including the first female Rhodes scholar from Alberta.
  • Our Advanced Placement (AP) program is the largest program in Canada, allowing our students to earn advance standing at top universities.
  • In 2016, the International College Board in Princeton recognized 166 Strathcona AP students as award-winning scholars. Twenty-five students were awarded National Scholar status.

Quite simply, we create an atmosphere of academic excellence and our students support it with consistently superior performance.


It is not all about textbooks and multiple choice questions at Strathcona. When class is over the fun is just beginning. Athletics is a major part of our success and we are proud to celebrate our athletes who put the gold in the Strathcona Lords’ red and gold jerseys:

  • 51 consecutive years as city champions and eight years as provincial champions in track and field.
  • 45 years as city champions and nineteen years as provincial champions in cross-country.
  • 38 consecutive years as city champions in swimming.
  • Numerous city and provincial championships in other interschool sports, such as flag football, golf, indoor soccer, football, basketball and rugby.


Strathcona is renowned for incredible fine arts programs – jazz bands, choirs, dramatic performances, musical theatre and art exhibitions that continually raise the bar. We challenge our students to think about the world around them, to express themselves with creativity and confidence. It seems to be working.

We have not even mentioned the International Exchange opportunities, the Leadership Program that connects to volunteer organizations in the community, and the Career and Technology Studies program that gives students hands-on skills in everything from mechanical design to culinary arts.

So, while you're working hard to provide opportunities for your kids, we're working hard to make sure they take full advantage of them.