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Student Services

Student Services is the central hub of Strathcona, located right inside our Michener Entrance. Geared towards providing exceptional support for our whole school community, we pride ourselves on meeting the individual needs of Strathcona students. 

We are Here to Help!

Student Services provides a range of support to Strathcona students, including personal, academic, post-secondary, and career counselling. 

We assist students with:

  • individual concerns and wellbeing
  • conflict mediation and resolution
  • managing stress and developing resiliency
  • making connections and getting involved
  • high school course selection and program planning
  • accommodations for special needs
  • accessing academic support and tutoring services
  • meeting graduation requirements
  • transitioning from junior high to high school
  • post-secondary options, applications, and funding
  • scholarship information and applications
  • career investigation and pathways
  • organisation, communication, and study skills
  • referrals to other sources of support and information
  • whatever else they need!

Student Services Google Classroom

A wealth of resources are available and continually updated on our Student Services Google Classroom, including links to community support, post secondary news, tutoring services, study tips, and scholarships.

If you’re a Strathcona student and haven’t yet signed up, please see the posters around the school for the Classroom code or swing by Student Services.

Connect with Us

Strathcona students can book an appointment by dropping by Student Services or emailing one of our team. Parents and guardians are always welcome to call or email to connect with us if they have any questions or concerns.


Tracy Gerun Tom Yonge
Department Head of Student Services
and Special Needs
tracy.gerun@epsb.ca tom.yonge@epsb.ca 
(780) 439-3957 ext. 316 (780) 439-3957 ext. 317
D'Wan Williams Sarah MacLeod
School Based Wellness Coach Administrative Assistant
dwan.williams@epsb.ca sarah.macleod@epsb.ca 
(780) 439-3957 ext. 330 (780)  439-3957 ext. 117